James “Jimbo” Sfayer is a retired Marine Corps Infantry Officer who with 25 years as an educator and leadership consultant.
Joe DeFranco is a retired Marine Corps Officer with 20 years of experience leading sales and sales engineering teams in the communications industry.
Dave Shakespeare is a retired Johnson and Johnson Director with 30 years of experience as a sales leader. Dave served as a Combat Engineer Officer in the Marine Corps.
Robert Koval is a former Special Agent in Charge in the Drug Enforcement Agency with 26 years of experience leading special agents and task force officers. He also served as a Colonel in the Army Reserve, leading soldiers in peace and war.
Tom Desimone is a retired Lieutenant in the Plainsboro Police department where he served as the Tactical Commander (SWAT) for 10 years.
Dave Carp is Marine combat veteran with distinguished careers in Emergency Room Trauma Care and Education.